10 Most Dreaded Computer Virus

VBScript type virus attack is still very high, as is evident from the many reports that complained about these types of script viruses. A virus that soared high into the first sequence is Discusx.vbs. If you still remember with these viruses, the Virus Top-10 March 2008 issue of the past, virus Discusx.vbs the order of 5, but this time he shot up to first order. The following list details:

A. Discusx.vbsVBScript virus this one, has a size of about 4800 bytes. He will try to infect your computer on multiple drives, including flash disk drive, which if infected will create a file autorun.inf and System32.sys.vbs on the root drive. In addition, he will change the caption of Internet Explorer to ". :: Discus X-MET LEBARAN SAY! [HAPPY LEBARAN?!] ::. ".
2. Reva.vbsAgain, VBScript virus type pretty much complained of by some readers. He will try to spread itself to every drive on your computer including flash disk drive. On the drive there will be infected Reva.vbs file, autorun.inf, and shaheedan.jpg. In addition, he will change the default page of Internet Explorer to point to the site http://www.arrahmah.com.
3. XFlyPC Media Antivirus identifies two variants of this virus, namely XFly.A and XFly.B. Just like most other local virus, he created using Visual Basic. Has a body size of 143,360 bytes without being compressed. And he can masquerade as folder, WinAmp MP3 files or any other way directly change the icon resource is in his body. It would be more difficult for the lay user to recognize it. At the infected computer, when running Internet Explorer, its caption is changed to "x-fly .. :: :: ..", and when starting Windows will display a message from the maker of the virus in the default browser. Or every time show at 12:30, 16:00, or 20:00, the virus will display a black screen that also contains messages from the creator of the virus.
4. ExploreaViruses that are compiled using Visual Basic comes with a size of about 167,936 bytes, without being compressed. Using the standard Windows folder icon similar to defraud victims. This virus will attack your Windows Registry to change the default open of some extensions like. LNK,. PIF,. BAT, and. COM. At the infected computer, certain times when the error message sometimes appears, for example when opening the System Properties.
5. Gen.FFEGen.FFE or manufacturer named Fast Firus Engine is one of the locally-made Virus Generator program. By simply using this program, did not take long to create a virus / new variants. Viruses of the output of this program uses the standard folder icon like default Windows image. He will block access to Task Manager, Command Prompt, and eliminate some of the menu in the Start Menu. He will also read the caption of the current program, if there is a string associated with the antivirus program will soon be closed to him.
6. EmptyViruses are also created using Visual Basic and had a folder icon has a size of about 110,592 bytes, without being compressed. Lots of changes he made in Windows, such as the Registry, File System, and so forth, which can even cause Windows can not properly applied. On computers that are infected by this virus, when you start Windows will display a message from the creator of the virus.
7. Raider.vbsThis VBScript virus type-size 10,000 bytes, if the virus file opened with Notepad for example, so many strings that can be read because of the encrypted condition. In the Registry, he also gave recognition to create a new key in HKLM \ Software of the same name as the name of the computer name, the contents of a string value such as a virus, Raider, and the date of the first computer is infected.
8. ForrisWaitmeViruses are created with Visual Basic uses the standard Windows folder icon similar to disguises. Some of his actions was to swap the functions of the left mouse button with the right, removes the Folder Options menu, create a file message "read saya.txt" the drive is infected, and there are still others.
9. PrayLocal virus was created using Visual Basic. We found two variants of this virus, for variant Pray.A not have an icon, while for variant Pray.B use like Windows Explorer. If your computer is infected by this virus, while at the computer show at 05:15, 13:00, 16:00, 18:30, or 19:45, the virus displays a message reminding the user to perform the prayer.
10. Rian.vbsThis VBScript virus has a size of 3788 bytes. When infected, it will create a new file autorun.inf in every root and RiaN.dll.vbs drive installed in a victim's computer, including the Flash Disk.

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